
Integrating Local Capacity Development (LCD) in Research Design and Implementation

Ended Sep 15, 2021

Full course description

The Integrating Local Capacity Development (LCD) in Research Design and Implementation course is designed for LSIL research proposal applicants. The course will inform applicants about recent trends at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems in relation to the Local Capacity Development (LCD) efforts. The course participants will receive a brief overview of capacity development approaches and possible activities and what applicants must consider when integrating LCD as crosscutting theme in their proposals. The course is ideal for those interested in integrating LCD from the project design phase through implementation and closure. The course is modularized and can be watched multiple times independent of quiz. Completion of the course is required to apply for the LSIL request for applications if LCD has been chosen as a cross-cutting theme. The length of the course with quiz is about 45 min. After taking the quiz you will receive a certificate of completion.

For questions, contact:

Dr. Sandra Russo, LCD Crosscutting Theme Lead –

Dr. Nargiza Ludgate, LCD Crosscutting Theme Co-Lead –